You Should Really Meet Our Sister! (That is … our sister company DCL Print Solutions)

FREMONT, Calif. – July 20, 2016 You are already realizing the benefits of working with DCL Logistics. Now your company can get even more value by taking advantage of the print services offered through our sister company, DCL Print Solutions (DCLPS).

All your Print Needs

Whether it’s brochures, books, manuals, business cards, flyers, booklets, retail cartons, product packaging, signage or corporate collateral – your company will enjoy fast turnaround, competitive pricing, improved control over printed products and quality, and great customer service. Plus, our experienced print consultants can suggest enhancements to your current projects that can reduce cost and increase your ROI whenever possible.

More Value

Since printing, warehousing/handling and fulfillment will now be under the same roof at DCL Logistics, you’ll save on in-bound shipping costs and shorten lead times. Since printing occurs in the same DCL facility, we can physically ship it to DCL Logistics in virtually an instant. For DCL Logistics’ customers, we will offer free storage (90 days) and receiving for any items procured from DCL Print Solutions.

Save with Print-On-Demand

Using customized online portals set up just for your company’s print catalog, you’ll be able to print jobs on demand … in real time as needed … in small quantities without waste … with comparable offset printing quality. Having variable access to change multiple images or pictures along with text content on the fly empowers you to update your printed documents (with no additional costs) before sending it to final print or delivery.

Sound interesting?

We welcome the opportunity to introduce DCL Print Solutions to you or the appropriate individuals of your company’s procurement, marketing and sales departments. Let us know how we can help you in minimizing the need of managing multiple print vendors, paying shipping or handling costs and meeting constant deadlines or rush projects.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Account Manager or Sales Representative or email us at Thank you for your continued trusted partnership with DCL Logistics.

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