Introducing eFactory Mobile


Earlier this year, we polled our customers to find out what tools help them manage their work with the goal of using the feedback to improve our own processes and products. We learned that nearly half spend 40% of the work week in meetings, in the warehouse and on the go. That got us thinking, how can we ensure that our customers always have a pulse on their supply chain?
Introducing the eFactory mobile app! With logistics intelligence at your fingertips, eFactory users will get real-time information on daily order and shipping summaries, detailed inventory data, returns and much more. We took the most popular feature in eFactory, DCL’s proprietary order fulfillment and inventory management platform, and extended it to eFactory mobile  This will help customers make critical business decisions anywhere and anytime.

If you want to learn more about eFactory, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your DCL Logistics representative or send an email to

To get eFactory mobile click here.

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