Make your paid search ads shoppable

Leverage our insights and invest in paid search on keywords that matter most for your brand. Automate your campaign activation using our universal ads manager. Craft landing pages for your paid search traffic that optimizes content and commerce elements to incoming search keywords. This ensures that your consumers always find what they came looking for, and also buy related products easily.

Target keywords that matter

Our platform tracks your brand’s share of search on popular search engines and recommends keywords that need paid search support. This helps your brand meet search audiences with higher likelihood to buy your products.

Personalize your conversation

Use our landing page templated optimized for search traffic. Craft experiences that dynamically feature the best branded response for the search query, and foster discovery and purchase of related products.

Reduce your CPA

Win higher quality scores with keyword optimized landing pages that load fast with responsive rendering on all devices. This helps you reduce your CPA and get higher ROAS from your paid search campaigns.